Walking Your Way to Weight Loss:


Walking Your Way to Weight Loss: A Simple Two-Part Approach to Becoming Fitter, Healthier, and Happier in 49 Days.

Walking for Weight loss

If you want to lose up to 25% more body weight in 12 weeks and keep those extra pounds off for good, then keep reading …

Out of all people who set fitness goals for themselves, 73% throw in the towel before they have achieved those goals. 42% of those who give up, say the reason behind their giving up is it was just too hard to stick to the exercise regime.

We give up despite knowing exercise is key to living a long and healthy life, improving everything from brain function to heart health and happiness. Plus, those who have exercise built into their lifestyle are more likely to lose weight and keep it off long-term.

The question now is, “Why do we find it so hard to stick to an exercise routine?”

The problem with our concept of exercise is we think it has to be exhausting, entail hours spent at the gym, and require you to haul yourself out of bed at sunrise to run before work.

That couldn't be more untrue. All we have to do now is get up and walk.

There’s a solution to this conundrum, and it doesn’t involve hours spent at the gym or hauling yourself out of bed at sunrise to force yourself to run before work.

The solution is simple: we merely have to make walking a habit.

Regular walking allows your body to burn more calories, boosting your weight loss and bringing with it a whole host of extra benefits -- to both physical and emotional health.

In fact, if you were to gradually build just 3 hours of walking into your week, you could lose up to 25% more body weight in 12 weeks than you would by dieting alone.

There couldn’t be a more straightforward way to lose weight and build fitness.

And the beauty is you can tailor it to suit your lifestyle irrespective of age, gender, fitness, wealth, or social positioning.

You don’t need costly gym memberships or any fancy equipment. All you need is your own two feet and the desire to get moving.

Walking is fully customizable to fit right in with your lifestyle, needs, and personal goals. You can increase or decrease the intensity, add additional exercises, and do it anytime and anywhere.

In Walking Your Way to Weight Loss: A Simple Two-Part Approach to Becoming Fitter, Healthier, and Happier in 49 Days, you’ll learn everything you need to know to harness the power of walking for effective and sustainable weight loss. You’ll discover:

  • A 49-day plan for beginners that is easily customizable and can be modified as you progress
  • The scientifically proven whole health benefits of walking
  • Where ‘10,000 steps a day’ comes from and what it means for your health
  • What you'll need to get started walking for a weight loss program
  • The critical things you must do before and after every walk
  • How to elevate your walking workout as you build strength and stamina
  • A complete guide to outdoor walking as well as indoor walking
  • Tips, tricks and techniques for getting the most out of every walk
  • A simple nutrition guide: your secret weapon for shedding pounds while you walk
  • How to harness the power of ‘NEAT’ to improve your calorie burn by stealth
  • How to track everything -- and why you should
  • Exactly how you can start a walking program -- no matter your experience level

And much more!

If you thought sustainable weight loss was out of reach, or you don’t think you have the time or motivation to exercise, think again.

If you’re ready to get fit and lose weight in an easy and sustainable way, then   click here

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